Commedia School.

The Government Inspector

Friday 8 March, kl. 20:00 at the studio, Præstøgade 17, baghuset, 2100 København, Denmark

Government Inspector03


The Government Inspector

A story telling adaptation of Gogol’s 1836 hilarious satire on the corruption in the Russian Empire – perfectly actual for today in every country.
Elif Temucin and Erkan Uyaniksoy, two recent graduates of The Commedia School from Istanbul bring their well reviewed version of this story to The Commedia School Studio. Entry is free. The show is supported by Nord Plus and The Gogol Project which is a ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) network of activities in many countries. There will be a discussion after the show lead by the Danish coordinators of The Gogol Project, Benjamin Laier and Ole Brekke.


The Gogol Project (
Under the broad subject of ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) the Gogol project is using theatre and networking to stimulate discussions on a global and local level, formally and informally on those unsustainable economic and social practices common to our societies that are exposed by Nikolai Gogol’s play, “The Government Inspector.” (Corruption – bribery, favoritism, nepotism, abuse of discretion, etc.)

